"I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list."-Susan Sontag

Monday, February 8, 2010

Bestie convinced me to start the blog... here is the catch up

Now that I have been in Europe for almost a whole month (whoah it so does not feel like it has been that long!) its time to start a blog so all you people out there can creep my life from my point of view rather than what you see on facebook!
So lets flash back to week one:
We landed in Madrid after a red eye flight... that was brutal. We had the day to relax but they told us not to sleep so we could adjust to the time... Sarah and I were out like a light within the hour and I got up fo
r a panoramic bus tour... stayed awake
for about 10 minutes of it then slept for the rest of it. The next day still jet lagged we saw some museums... Reina sofia, a modern museum, and another one whose name I cant remember anymore that had a lot of classic art from Velasquez and Picasso among others... Its cool to see but I'm not a huge art fan so full days at the museum wasn't t
he most fun. All thought the day we were meeting a bunch of the other ISA Barcelona students, making some good friends and also being annoyed by some of the ... personalities.. there with us.
After a nap that night Sarah, Justin, and I met up with Shannon who is studying in Madrid for the semester and saw a little bit of the nightlife. Had my first Guiness in Europe ( don't worry I should be enjoying one in Ireland soon), but we didn't stay out too late because we had an early morning bus ride to Toledo.
Toledo was such a cute town, way different from Madrid, small alley streets, tons of old churches (something like over 50 in one s
quare mile...), and good views. We had a lot of time to kill after the guided tour so we had fun getting lost in the windy streets. T
hat ni
ght we checked into a nice hotel and had every intention of going out on the town after a short nap but soon enough Sarah and I woke up at 2am to a wild party in the room next door. That was fun. We felt lame because we should really be living it up at this point but were cranky instead. Stupid jet lag.
The next morning we woke up to a nice breakfast and got on busses to head off to Barcelona. 9 long hours later we arrived!

Yay! We are home! Sarah, Alison, and I are so excited to be at our apartment! It is going to be so cute and we get to meet Lauren soon and go explore the city! We get to the door... so close... the key doesn't work. Many phone calls and many hours later, after ISA treats us to dinner and a bottle of wine we finally get in!! The apartment is adorable. We feel like we are in an Ikea ad. We meet our building owner, Marta, she doesn't speak much english but says she is going to be our Spanish mom. We have seen her a lot since (so many problems with water, etc.).
So the next day we have orientation for school. Ya that part... no one cares about school so I won't bore you with it. But I will say there are super long days, classes are easy, but all I think about is what to
explore next! (if this is my mom or dad reading this, that part was a lie. I work very hard in class and they are challenging but in a good way, yay school!).
The next few days are good. Lauren gets here and starts showing us around (she was here the semester previous as well). Before her I thought I didn't like the
food and that would be good for me and not eating like a lazy college student, but now we know where to go sooo yeah.
Lost of stuff has happened since then, here are some bullets:
•Went so some discotheques... stayed out till 5am... sooo late for me.
•Met some spanish people, tried to talk in spanish = Embarassment
•Played bingo at a bar. won a sweet trumpet and water gun.
•Figured out the metro like a boss
•Oddly haven't seen too many barcelona sights (look for updates on this)
•Fell in love with something called corquettas from docetrece. HEAVEN
•Visited Girona (a city), the Dali museum (melted clocks guy), Picasso Museum, and the gothic quarter.
•Saw some crazy things and met some crazy people.....
I promise I will keep more updated blogs from now on and will remember things so I can give you more detail than that!

Anyway just got back from Amsterdam yesterday... blog about that one will be up soon... if not later tonight!

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