"I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list."-Susan Sontag

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Updates on Barcelona Happenings

Hey everyone, so I guess its time to update. I keep forgetting there could be stuff to say even when I don't go on a weekend trip! Since Amsterdam we have had a few weekends of trying to see Barcelona city and the things to do around here, knowing that most of us have so many trips planned and our weekend time in Barcelona is limited.
The weekend before this was Carnival in Spain. Carnival is k
ind of celebrated for the same reason as Mardi Gras, the weekend before lent to celebrate the beginning of a holy time. The streets are filled with people i
n costumes and there were parades. It was cute seeing all the little kids dressed up like you would see American kids on Halloween. To celebrate we decided to take this group trip to Sitges, a town about 45 minutes north where there is one of the largest gay communities in Europe and rumored to have quite elaborate parades and parties because
of it. We went to this thursday night... the place was a ghost town. It was hilarious
minus the fact that we paid a lot of money to go and there was no festival. (Currently still working on getting my money back. The company we went with promised it back that night but have yet to deliver. The guy I have been dealing with knows me now we have exchanged a lot of emails and phone calls...
I'm determined and think I might win!).
Realizing it was a total flop the tour took us back to Barcelona and dropped us off at a club. That wouldn't of been that bad had we not all been dressed like fools and covered in glitter. Not one of the best nights of my life, and I will leave it like that. HAHA.
Another week of school goes by. School all day and play all night. Study somewhere in between.
This past weekend was very fun. Friday morning (after a lovely 2.5 hours of sleep) we got up for a tour of La Pedrera, an apartment building built by Gaudi, a famous architect from Barcelona. Whom also designed the still unfinished Sagrada Famillia (which I have yet to visit). His architecture is all about natural lines and inspiration
from nature. His buildings are really cool. After this we headed to the beach on my, Sarah, and Alex's quest for a good pair of black boots... after finding the cutest pairs and
not having our sizes, we ended up hanging out at the beach for a few hours. After almost loosing our purses, phones, and cameras to a huge wa
ve we grabbed some food and boxes of sangria took some more pictures! Such a fun afternoon taking pictures and just enjoying the scenery.
After heading back to our neighborhood and checking out the boot stores there, about 30 stores later we called it a night and went home defeated by the black boots! Super tired after a full day we stayed in and planned for another adventurous day the following day.
This morning we got up and headed to Park Guell. A famous park in Barcelona where you can overlook the entire city with a great view of the Mediterranean and see more architecture from Gaudi. The park was super busy being a tourist destination and it
being a Saturday, but we got some good pictures an
d had a lot of fun seeing what Barcelona had to offer. On the walk back to the metro we stumbled upon another boot store and I finally found a pair of black boots! (Also Sarah and Alex both found a pair later that day).
The weekend ended with a fun night out and a day of relaxing and catching up on some studying... tis the week for mid terms and I have some classes to pass! However I do enjoy the lovely distraction of updating you all on my life in Spain!

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